PhD student Nehal Elmeligy's paper "Making a Scene: Young Women's Feminist Social Nonmovement in Cairo" has been published by the Journal of Resistance Studies.
Faculty Publications
- PhD student Po-Chia Tseng's article "Fear of Disconnecting: Global Health Imaginations and the Transformations of the Taiwanese State" has been published by De...
- Professor Cynthia Buckley's co-authored research article "Pandemic Politics in Eurasia: Roadmap for a New Research Subfield" has been published by T&F Online.
- PhD student Asha Sawhney has co-authored Dictators and civilizational thinking in Iran: From the Great Civilization to Islamic Civilization for the Middle East...
- Doctoral Student Meggan Lee's co-authored paper “If you aren’t White, Asian or Indian, you aren’t an engineer”: racial microaggressions in STEM education has been published in the International Journal of STEM...
- Professor and Head Tim Liao's co-authored paper "Comparing Groups of Life-Course Sequences Using the Bayesian Information Criterion and the Likelihood-Ratio Test" has been published in Sociological Methodology.
- Professor Ilana Redstone's co-authored book "Unassailable Ideas: How Unwritten Rules and Social Media Shape Discourse in American Higher Education" has been published by the Oxford...
- Shwetha Delanthamajalu's paper “Nation, Gender and the Killing of an Indian Journalist” was published in Gender, Place & Culture in 2019.
- Brian O'Neill's paper "The World Ecology of Desalination: From Cold War Positioning to Financialization in the Capitalocene" has been published in the Journal of World-...
- Professor Ghassan Moussawi's co-authored article titled "A Queer Sociology: On Power, Race, and Decentering Whiteness" has been published in the Sociological Forum. To read, click here.
- Professor Asef Bayat Co-Authors "Global Middle East Into the Twenty-First Century" To access the book, click here.
- PhD Candidate, Alishia Alexander, coauthors chapter in The Oxford Handbook of Sexual and Gender Minority Mental Health. Chapter titled "Black U.S. Sexual and Gender Minority...
- Graduate student and teaching assistant Amirhossein Teimourigerdeh recently had a paper published in the International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society. From the abstract: "...This study examines the depoliticization of public intellectuals and particularly religious public...
- Professor Emeritus Norbert Wiley recently had a paper published in The American Sociologist. The paper discusses the initial push in 1976 from Professor Wiley and his colleague, Norm Denzin, to "broaden and democratize" the scope of what was published in the American Sociological...
- Congratulations to PhD student Mona Khneisser on being awarded the Erik Olin Wright Distinguished Article Award from Critical Sociology. "In his memory and in recognition of his commitment to nurture junior scholars, the Editorial Board of Critical Sociology has created the ...
- A collaboration of Professor Caitlin Clarke's, “Olympic Music and Cultural Taste: Olympic Ice Dancing in 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games," was recently published in the Sociology of Sport Journal. (2020) Abstract: "This cultural-interpretive essay offers critical commentary...
- In the "Faces of the Pandemic" Dossier from Books and Ideas. Incoming professor Matthew Soener recently published an article discussing the influence austerity politics in Europe are having...
- "The Socialist Good Life: Desire, Development, and Standards of Living in Eastern Europe." (2020, Indiana University Press) Edited by Cristofer Scarboro, Diana Mincyte and Zsuzsa Gille What does the good life mean in a "...
- By Department Head Tim Futing Liao in Sociological Methods and Research. In common sociological research, income inequality is measured only at the aggregate level. The main purpose of this article is to demonstrate that there is more than meets the eye when inequality is indicated by a single...
- By Department Head Tim F. Liao, Roger Yat-Nork Chung, and Eric Fong. This article discusses an innovative method of collecting survey data on a special population, migrant live-in domestic workers, for which it is difficult to define an appropriate sampling framework. These migrant workers,...
- By Department Head Tim F. Liao and Rebecca Yiqing Gan. This article presents a portrayal of Filipino and Indonesian female domestic workers’ life courses in migration, using the life history calendar data from the 2017 survey of migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong. Applying sequence analysis,...
- By Dr. José Atiles. Published March 10th, 2020 in the journal Latin American Perspectives This paper is a socio-legal analysis of the sources of Puerto Rico’s fiscal and economic crisis points to the use of the colonial state of exception as an economic development policy facilitating...
- Published in Society + Space Special Issue - “The Decolonial Geographies of Puerto Rico 2019 Summer Protest: A Forum” In this paper, Professor Atiles identifies understandings of corruption and anticorruption in the Puerto Rican Summer: 1)...
- Professor Ghassan Moussawi's new book is the first comprehensive study to employ the lens of queer lives in the Arab World to understand everyday life disruptions, conflicts, and violence. From Temple University Press. For more information and to order, go...
- Professor Ghassan Moussawi was published in the latest edition of the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, which focuses on the concept of queering urban studies. In his piece, Professor Moussawi draws from his research on "everyday life disruptions and queer strategies in Beirut...