- Tim F Liao, Kimie Hara, and Krista Wiegand. "The China-Japan Border Dispute: Islands of Contention in Multidisciplinary Perspective". 2015.
- Graduate Student Parthiban Muniandy has published the following book, "Politics of the Temporary: An Ethnography of Migrant Life in Urban Malaysia". 2015.
- Asef Bayat. 2015. "Revolution and Despair", Jadaliyya.
- Jeremiah Bohr. 2014. "Public views on the dangers and importance of climate change: predicting climate change beliefs in the United States through income moderated by party identification". Climatic Change 126(1-2):217-227.
- Jeremiah Bohr. 2014. "Barriers to Environmental Sacrifice: The Interaction of Free Rider Fears with Education, Income, and Ideology". Sociological Spectrum 34(4):362-379.
- Assata Zerai. 2014. "HYPERMASCULINITY, STATE VIOLENCE, AND FAMILY WELL-BEING IN ZIMBABWE An Africana Feminist Analysis of Maternal and Child Health". Africa World Press, Inc. & The Red Sea Press, Inc.
- Asef Bayat. 2013. "Areas and Ideas". Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, Vol. 33, No. 3.
- Graduate Student Tin-yuet Ting has published the following article. "Socio-economic Correlates of Suicidality in Hong Kong". International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies. Vol. 10, No. 1 (2014): 97-110.
- Erin Trouth Hofmann and Cynthia Buckley. "Global Changes and Gendered Responses: The Feminization of Migration from Georgia". International Migration Review. 47 (3) 506-538, 2013.
- Asef Bayat. "Arab Spring and Its Surprises". Development and Change, vol. 44, issue 2, April 2013.
- Gray Swicegood. “Characteristics of joint physical custody families in Flanders.” 2013. Demographic Research 28/29 821-848. (with An Katrien Sodermans and Koen Matthijs)
- Christian Hennig and Tim F. Liao. 2013. “How to Find an Appropriate Clustering for Mixed Type Variables with Application to Socioeconomic Stratification” (with discussion). Journal of Royal Statistical Society Series C 62(3): 309-369.
- Gray Swicegood. ”The Effects of Family Type, Family Relationships and Parental Role Models on Delinquency and Alcohol Use Among Flemish Adolescents.” 2013. (with Sofie Vanassche, An Katrien Sodermans, Koen Matthijs) Journal of Child and Family Studies.
- Tim F Liao, Joshua Beckman, Emily Marzolph, Caitlin Riederer, Jeffrey Sayler, and Leah Schmelkin. 2013. "The Social Definition of Time for University Students." Time & Society 22(1): 119-151.
- Clark McPhail, 2013 "Modular Protest Forms" Blackwell Encyclopedia of Political and Social Movements Vol. II: 757-762.
- Tim F. Liao. 2013 “Population, Resources, and Female Labor in the Raw Silk Industry of Nagano in Meiji Japan.” Social Sciences 2: 23-39.
- Gray Swicegood. “Marriage and Children as a Key to Happiness: A Cross National Study of 25 Countries.” 2012. (with Sofie Vanassche, An Katrien Sodermans, Koen Matthijs) Journal of Happiness Studies.
- Gray Swicegood. “Measuring Post-divorce Living Arrangements: Theoretical and Empirical Validation of the Residential Calendar.” 2012. (With An Katrien Sodermans, Sofie Vanassche, and Koen Matthijs) Journal of Family Issues.
- Graduate Student Parthiban Muniandy has published the following article, "Malaysia's Coming Out! Critical Cosmopolitans, Religious Politics and Democracy", Asian Journal of Social Science, 40, December 2012, pp. 582-607.
- Tim F. Liao, editor. 2012. Sociological Methodology, volume 42. American Sociological Association/Sage.
- Asef Bayat, "Politics in the City-Inside-Out", City and Society, Vol. 24, Issue 2, August 2012, pp. 110-128.
- Asef Bayat, "Marginality: Curse or Cure?", in Ray Bush and Habib Ayeb (eds.) Marginality and Exclusion in Egypt, London, Zed Books, 2012.
- Cynthia Buckley & Erin Trouth Hofmann. 2012. "Are Remittances an Effective Mechanism for Development? Evidence from Tajikistan, 1999–2007." Journal of Development Studies, 48(8): 1121-1138.
Tim Liao, Adam Rule, Ryanne Ardisana, Alexandra Knicker, Amanda Mayo, and Corey Sarcu. 2012. "Social Behavior in Public Spaces in a College Town." Sociology & Space 50(1): 3-26.
Liao, Tim F., and Hua Qin. 2012. “Population Growth, Available Resources, and Quality of Life: China’s Post-Reform Economic Development.” Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment 10(2): 67-77.
Forthcoming from Graduate Student Courtney Cuthbertson. "Misery in Modern Times: Depression in Post-Dictatorial Chile." Transgressive Culture.
Rebecca L. Sandefur has published “Money Isn’t Everything: Understanding Moderate Income Households’ Use of Lawyers’ Services.” In Middle Income Access to Justice, edited by Anthony Duggan, Lorne Sossin and Michael Trebilcock. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press
Berghahn Books is pleased to announce the recent publication of a paperback edition of Post-Communist Nostalgia, edited by Maria Todorova and Zsuzsa Gille.
Although the end of the Cold War was greeted with great enthusiasm by people in the East and the West, the ensuing social and especially economic changes did not always result in the hoped-for improvements in people's lives. This led to widespread disillusionment that can be observed today all across Eastern Europe. Not simply a longing for security, stability, and prosperity, this nostalgia is also a sense of loss regarding a specific form of sociability. In this volume scholars from multiple disciplines explore the various fascinating aspects of this nostalgic turn by analyzing the impact of generational clusters, the rural-urban divide, gender differences, and political orientation. They argue persuasively that this nostalgia should not be seen as a wish to restore the past, as it has otherwise been understood, but instead it should be recognized as part of a more complex healing process and an attempt to come to terms both with the communist era as well as the new inequalities of the post-communist era.
- Liao, Tim F., Gehui Zhang, and Libin Zhang. 2011. “Social Foundations of National Anthems: Theorizing for a Better Understanding of the Changing fate of the National Anthem of China.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 42(1): 106-127.
- Jeremiah Bohr and Brian Dill have published "Who Benefits from Market-Based Carbon Mitigation?" 2011. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 10:406-428.
- Monica McDermott has published “White or European Origin Population” and “White Population of the United States.” 2011. In Encyclopedia of the U.S. Census, Second Edition, edited by Margo J. Anderson, Constance F. Citro, and Joseph J. Salvo. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly.
- Rebecca L. Sandefur has published Access Across America, the first-ever national and state-by-state portrait of the services available to assist the U.S. public in accessing civil justice. The report, released by the American Bar Foundation, was co-authored with University of California-Berkeley Ph.D. student Aaron C. Smyth.
- Zakia Salime has published Between Feminism and Islam Human Rights and Sharia Law in Morocco. Zakia is a graduate of the University of Illinois with a PhD in Sociology.
- Rebecca L. Sandefur has published "'Golden Age,' Quiescence, and Revival: How the Sociology of Professions Became the Study of Knowledge-Based Work," Work and Occupations 38(August):275-302 (2011), co-authored with Elizabeth H. Gorman. The article introduces a special issue of Work and Occupations on professions and professional work that the two co-edited.
- McDermott, Monica. 2011. "Racial Attitudes in City, Neighborhood, and Situational Contexts." The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 634:153-173.
- Asef Bayat has written an essay for Jadaliyya, an independent Ezine, entitled "Paradoxes of Arab Refo-lutions"
- Graduate Student Munene Mwaniki has just published an article, "Reading the Career of a Kenyan Runner: The Case of Tegla Loroupe," in the International Review for the Sociology of Sport.
- Markus Schulz edited the forthcoming special issue of the ISA journal Current Sociology, Vol. 59, no. 2 on the theme Values and Culture. He also authored the following articles,"The Values of Global Futures", "Values and the Conditions of Global Communication" and"Values and Culture in the Social Shaping of the Future".
- Mendenhall, R. Black Women in Gautreaux’s Housing Desegregation Program: Neighborhoods and Race Ecology Effects. Paper Presented at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Policy Summit. Cleveland, OH. June 2011.
- Mendenhall, R. Investing in Enduring Resources with the Earned Income Tax Credit: Barriers and Pathways to Social Mobility. Paper presented at the Institute for Research on Poverty Seminar Series. University of Wisconsin. Madison, WI. April 2011.
- Mendenhall, R., Edin, K., Crowley, S., Sykes. J, Tach, L., Kriz, K., and Kling. The Role of Earned Income Tax Credit in the Budgets of Low-Income Families. Paper Presented at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Asset Building Research Group Conference on Saving Strategies and Innovations for Low-Income Households. Columbus, OH. December 2010.
- Moon-Kie Jung has co-edited a book with João H. Costa Vargas, and Eduardo
Bonilla-Silva. Entitled State of White Supremacy: Racism, Governance, and the United States, it has just been published by Stanford University Press. - Asef Bayat had his article, "The Sacred and the Secular", solicited by the UN's Dialogue of Civilization, published in Aljazeera opinion page, May 9, 2011.
- Asef Bayat's essay "Post-Islamist Revolutions" appeared in the journal of Foreign Affairs, April 26, 2011.
- Asef Bayat has written an essay, for Foreign Policy Magazine, entitled "A New Arab Street in Post-Islamist Times" about the demonstrations in Egypt.
- Zsuzsa Gille's new article The Hungarian Foie Gras Boycott: Struggles for Moral Sovereignty in Postsocialist Europe has just appeared in East European Politics & Societies February 2011 25: 114-128.
- Asef Bayat's new essay "Tehran: Paradox City" appears in New Left Review, No 66,November-December 2010 (London). The German version is published in Lettre International (Berlin).
- Tim F. Liao designed the cover image for Northeast Asia's Difficult Past. Tim also participated in co-writing one chapter with Gehui Zhang and Libin Zhang. The book was published in 2010 by Palgrave Macmillan.
- Ruby Mendenhall's "Gatreaux Mothers and Their Children: An Update," appears in the January 2010 issue of Housing Policy Debate.
- Rebecca Gresh, PhD candidate, has published a Policy Brief for the Center for Global Studies on campus. Entitled "A Global Review of Sustainable Consumption Policies," Becky's essay describes and critiques different policies and initiatives to raise consumer consciousness about the environmental impact of their choices.
- Ilana Akresh co-authored "Latino Immigrants and the US Racial Order: How and Where Do They Fit In?" with Reanne Frank and Bo Lu. It appears in American Sociological Review Volume 75, Number 3, June 2010.
- Zsuzsa Gille's co-edited (with Maria Todorova) book Post-Communist Nostalgia has just been released by Berghahn Press.
- Professor Zsuzsa Gille will be giving a talk in the World Behind the Headlines Series sponsored by the Center for International Studies at the University of Chicago. Her talk is entitled "What is Red in Hungary's 2010 Red Sludge Disaster?" The talk will be on Thursday, February 24 from 6:30 - 8 pm in the Social Sciences Building, Room 122 at 1126 E. 59th Street, Chicago. More information is at this web site:http://cis.uchicago.edu/sludge
- Asef Bayat's book, Life as Politics: How Ordinary People Change the Middle East, has just been released by Stanford University Press, 2010...
- Asef Bayat's co-edited (with Linda Herrera) book, Being Young and Muslim: Cultural Politics in the Global South and North, has just been published by Oxford University Press, 2010.
- Assata Zerai's "A black feminist critique of American religious anti-war (dis)engagements" appears in the latest issue of Works and Days 57/58 Vol. 29, Nos. 1 & 2. 2010.
- Assata Zerai's "To be Politically Relevant and Tolerant: A Comparative Analysis of Christian Evangelical Internal Discussions of the 2008 Presidential Election" appears in the latest issue of Race, Gender and ClassVolume 17, Nos. 3 & 4. 2010.
- Brian Dill's "Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) and Norms of Participation in Tanzania: Working Against the Grain" appears as the lead article in the latest issue ofAfrican Studies ReviewVol. 53, No. 2. September 2010.
- Prof. Jorge Chapa, Apple Pie and Enchiladas: Latino Newcomers in the Rural Midwest
- Prof. Brian Dill (Forthcoming)``The Paradoxes of Community-Based Participation in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.'' Development and Change
- Prof. Brian Dill. (Forthcoming) ``Public-Public Partnerships in Urban Water Provision: The Case of Dar es Salaam.'' Journal of International Development
- Prof. Brian Dill,. (2009) ``Governing Africa's Cities.'' Political Sociology Newsletter, Spring.
- Prof. Behrooz Ghamari, Islam and Dissent in Postrevolutionary Iran
- Prof. Zsuzsa Gille, From the Cult of Waste to the Trash Heap of History: The Politics of Waste in Socialist and Postsocialist Hungary
- Prof. Shin-Kap Han, “The Other Ride of Paul Revere: The Brokerage Role in Making of the American Revolution,” Mobilization, 14(2):143-162, June 2009
- Prof. Shin-Kap Hanand Phyllis Moen, “Clocking Out: Temporal Patterning of Retirement,” is included in The Life Course Reader: Individuals and Societies Across Time (2009, Frankfurt: Campus Verlag), edited by Walter R. Heinz, Johannes Huinink and Ansgar Weymann.
- Prof. Moon-Kie Jung, Reworking Race: The Making of Hawaii's Interracial Labor Movement
- Prof. Tim Liao, Northeast Asia's Difficult Past
- Prof. Tim Liao, Statistical Group Comparison, and has edited The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods
- Prof. Tim Liao, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods
- Prof. Tim Liao, Prof. Guenther Lueschen, Prof. Norbert Wiley, Dr. Dorothee Schneider, and Carolyn Hronis have articles forthcoming in Polish Sociological Review No 2/158/2007
- Prof. Anna-Maria Marshall, Confronting Sexual Harassment: Law and Politics in Everyday Life
- Prof. Assata Zerai, Dehumanizing Discourse, Anti-Drug Law, and Policy in America: A 'Crack Mother's' Nightmare